• The Basics of Alimony


    Alimony, or spousal support, is frequently an area of dispute in divorce cases. Before discussing spousal support in your divorce settlement, you should have an experienced alimony attorney in Owings Mills on your side.

    Watch this video to learn more about how alimony is decided during divorce cases. In addition to any applicable state laws, courts consider each family’s individual circumstances before ruling on alimony. Your divorce lawyer can build a case that demonstrates your current financial standing after your marriage ended to argue either that you are entitled to support from your spouse if you are seeking alimony or that you should not have to pay to support your ex if you are fighting an alimony request.

  • FAQs and Answers About Maryland Divorce Law

    When you’re facing a divorce in Maryland , it’s common to have questions about the process and how it will affect your future. As soon as you make the decision to separate, retain an experienced divorce attorney who can represent your interests as you negotiate with your ex on issues like child support and alimony. As you make decisions about your divorce, keep these answers to some frequently asked questions in mind. Child Support Lawyer in Owings Mills, MD

    What kind of divorce can I get in Maryland?

    In Maryland, there are both no-fault and fault-based divorce. A no-fault divorce is the easiest to obtain. To qualify for a no-fault divorce, spouses must live apart voluntarily for one year without interruption if children were born during the marriage, or if no children were born during the marriage, spouses may qualify immediately if certain other criteria is met. If you seek a fault-based divorce, your divorce attorney will need to prove a reason for the divorce, such as adultery, cruelty, deliberate desertion that has continued for 12 months or more, or a criminal conviction that includes a three-year or longer sentence. Your attorney will help you choose the right type of divorce for your situation.

    What is the difference between a limited and absolute divorce?

    A limited divorce is similar to a legal separation. During a limited divorce, the couple is separated but the marriage is not terminated. Issues such as child custody and alimony are often decided on a temporary basis during a limited divorce, but those determinations can then roll over to an absolute divorce. An absolute divorce is the final, legal dissolution of a marriage. Limited divorce is not appropriate for every case but can be helpful in instances in which couples have not yet met the requirements for absolute divorce but need assistance in settling their differences until they become eligible.

    How are child support and alimony different?

    Child support is paid specifically to meet the financial needs of the children that were conceived during the marriage. It is typically paid to the custodial parent. Alimony is spousal support and is designed to prevent one spouse from experiencing a significant decline in lifestyle or financial standing after divorce. Courts consider each case individually before ruling on child support and alimony.

  • A Look at Virtual Visitation

    Virtual visitation is a new trend in divorce law that is designed to enhance traditional visitation agreements. With virtual visitations, non-custodial parents who do not live in the same location as their children can have increased communication using technology like web chats, social media, and instant messaging. When you’re considering types of child custody and visitation in Maryland , it is important to have an attorney on your side to represent your rights and interests. If virtual visitation is an issue in your child custody case, here is what you need to know. Virtual Child Visitation Laws in Owings Mills, MD

    What is virtual visitation?

    Virtual visitation is the use of technology to connect non-custodial parents and children outside of their traditional visitation times. It can be used to allow kids and parents to keep in touch about day-to-day activities or to share major events, like a play or recital, with non-custodial parents who can’t attend the event. Because virtual visitation is a new phenomenon, there is no standard type of order for these cases. The courts may specify which virtual platforms should be used for visitation, when the visits should occur, and that the child and parent be allowed to communicate without oversight from the custodial parent.

    Who is a candidate for virtual visitation?

    One common child custody issue is what happens if the custodial parent wants to relocate. Even if the relocation is in the best interest of the child, it can still take a toll on the relationship between the child and the non-custodial parent. Virtual visitation can help ensure that the connection between parent and child stays strong. The same standards apply to virtual visitation as traditional visitation, so parents who are not eligible for in-person visits with their children will not be awarded virtual visitation.

    Does virtual visitation affect other forms of visitation?

    Virtual visitation cannot be used to in place of traditional visitation. It is supposed to supplement the in-person visitation schedule rather than replace it. Neither parent can use virtual visits as a way to change the traditional visitation schedule or to replace scheduled visits.

  • Legal Penalties for Theft in Maryland

    Maryland criminal law recognizes different types of theft crimes, including shoplifting, larceny, and receiving stolen property. All criminal offenses, regardless of the potential penalties, should be taken very seriously because a conviction can affect a person’s reputation and employability for years to come. If you have been charged with theft, contact a criminal defense lawyer in Owings Mills right away. Your lawyer can defend you from a misdemeanor or felony theft charge .

    A misdemeanor theft charge is used when the value of the stolen property is less than $1,000. A conviction is punishable by up to 18 months behind bars and fines of up to $1,000. Theft of an item valued at less than $100 is punishable by a maximum of 90 days in jail. Theft of an item greater than $1,000 is a felony and is punishable by up to 15 years and $15,000 in fines. For all theft convictions, the stolen property must be restored to the rightful owner or an equal amount of restitution must be paid.

    Criminal Lawer in Owings Mills, MD